Midan Vizslas
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Rascal's Kids and Midan Accomplishments

A Little History of Midan Vizslas

In February 1996, we saw a Vizsla in the Westminster Dog Show that was shown on the USA television network. We thought that may be the breed for us, so in April, we brought "Rascal" home, and he has been "WOWing" us ever since.

When Rascal was 12 weeks old we noticed some odd behavior. Rascal would freeze, and remain motionless for periods of time. It finally dawned on us that he was pointing bugs! My husband, Mike, and I obtained a bird wing, (don't ask) and tied it to some fishing line like one of our dog books suggested. When Rascal rounded the corner, he winded the bird wing and froze into a beautiful and stylish point. He remained there while I went inside, found the camera and proceeded to photograph him from every angle.

Five and a half years later, his name reads Dual Champion Barben's Rapacious Rascal, Master Hunter. He is our pride and joy, and is a fine example of the versatile Vizsla.

Along the way, we have made some additions to our Vizsla family; Champion Barben's Blaze Starr, Champion Barben's The Tempest, and Tempest's daughter, Midan's Storm of the Century.

After an extended break from the dog world, (Mike got hurt), we are looking forward to campaigning Mimi, (Midan's Storm of the Century) and some of her litter mates for their Show Championships. At Mimi's 3rd show, she was Reserve Winners Bitch to a 4 point major. She is also crazy about birds, so this fall, she will try competing in the field. Mimi's sister Cleo, (Ch. Midan's Queen of Denial), just finished her Show Championship this July 2001. She too is crazy about birds and has Dual Championship potential.

If you are looking for a puppy, Midan Vizslas will be happy to assist you with your decision making. From what breed best suits your family, to what brand of dog food to feed. We can help you find the answers.

Our Philosophy

We at Midan Vizslas strive to promote the sport of pure bred dogs. We breed only dogs that have proven excellent examples of the breed. We do not breed dogs under two years of age, ensuring the animals health. We follow the recommendations, and guidelines of both the American Kennel Club, and The Vizsla Club of America for responsible ownership and breeding.

Prior to considering a breeding, we require the following of all our potential sires and dams; joint x-rays are taken, and evaluated by the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals, (OFA), and must rate Good to Excellent, eye examinations are performed by a Board Certified Ophthalmologist, and must be found clear of any hereditary eye diseases, and registered through C.E.R.F. (Canine Eye Registry Foundation). We also utilize the genetic testing as provided by the American Kennel Club.

Dogs found to be unsound will not be bred, thus protecting the Vizsla breed as a whole.

We do utilize the Limited Registration status available via the AKC, on pups not going to "show homes". We have certain things we look for in a home for our Vizslas, so that all puppies will be placed in safe and loving homes.

For more information on the Limited Registration Status:

Link to AKC-Limited Registrations

Our Boys